
Part One: What is a superconductor ?

A superconductor is a material that, in a specific environment, displays the property of superconductivity, which is characterized by two traits

  • The material drops to having ZERO electrical resistance

  • The material expels magnetic flux fields (Meissner effect)

  • The classical interpretation of superconductivity is such that the material displays perfect conductivity (zero electrical resistance), but the occurrence of the Meissner effect indicates that superconductivity is more complex

  • Superconductors currently have applications in cutting edge computer chip research, as well as in MRI machines

    • MRI machines can use superconducting materials to sustain high electrical currents (and hence sustain extremely high magnetic fields)

    • The stronger a magnetic field, the higher quality imagery the machine can provide to doctors

      • more low energy water molecules are affected

      • fewer low energy water molecules will be excited by radio waves

      • higher resolution imagery

Superconductor Environments

Superconductors currently only exist at extremely low temperatures, such that a “high temperature superconductor” is classified as displaying those characteristic properties at temperatures above 30K (−243.15 °C)

  • liquid nitrogen boils at 77K

  • liquid helium boils at 4.2K

  • As of 2015, the highest critical temperature recorded for a superconducting material was 203K (for H2S), although high pressures of ~90gPa were required

    • 90 gPa = 888231 atm = 13.05 x10^6 psi

  • Superconducting materials have a characteristic critical magnetic field

    • this basically means that the material is only able to expel magnetic fields to an extent, provided they are weaker than the critical magnetic field

    • when a material displays superconductivity, you can force it back to normal phase by subjecting it to a high enough magnetic field

Room Temperature superconductors

In recent days, many commentators have become excited by two papers that claim to document the production of a new superconductor that works at room temperature and ambient pressure. Scientists in Korea said they had synthesized a new material called LK-99 that would represent one of the biggest physics breakthroughs of recent decades.

  • copper doped lead phosphate system

  • critical temperature observed to be greater than 400K (127 °C)

“A real, working room-temperature superconductor which works at ambient pressure would be one of the holy grails of modern physics, unlocking major new developments in energy, transportation, healthcare, and communications,” said Mohammad Yazdani-Asrami of the University of Glasgow’s James Watt School of Engineering.

  • applications of room temperature superconductors

    • cheap MRI machines

      • don’t need a constant supply of liquid helium

      • national average cost of an MRI exam is $1325

      • drive down cost to patients and capital costs to hospitals

    • more compact and efficient motors

      • zero electrical resistance implies zero heat losses across a current

    • low loss power transmission

      • no heat losses from conductivity


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